



Gui-Ling Min: meaning Evil Clever Spirit

This character is the mother. According to my research, women don't necessarily take the surnames of their husband, but keep their family surname

This character is also my killer.

The use of this name/meaning is a challenge to readers to see if they can be sleuths in other ways than collecting evidence. 


Heng Wu: meaning Persistent Tiger

This character is the father. 

His personality is one that is dominate and insistent. He believes in tradition and is pushing for a traditional arranged marriage for his daughter.

He is my victim.

恆虎——這個很明顯就是拼錯了,應該拼做Heng Hu。

Heng Zhi: meaning Persistent Will/Purpose/Ambition

This character is the first-generation Chinese-American daughter of Min and Wu.

She is independent, smart and determined.

For those reasons, she is the prime suspect.


Zhang Tam: meaning a sheet of paper/a classifier to discuss/speak/converse

This character is a Chinese matchmaker.

He presents with folders of potential candidates and spends his time smoozing parents to ensure financial gain.

He is victim #2


Chen Li: meaning Old Powerful

The man the matchmaker want Zhi to marry

He is victim #3

這題比較簡單: 陳力。這個名字和「恆志」倒是天造地設的一對,一個有力量、一個有堅定的意志,這種組合還將真是攻無不克!

這個小說家明顯學過中文,就算是虛構的人物也要確認拼音正確與否,對作品的人物名字非常講究, 精神令人佩服。(雖然這些主角的名字不大像現代的華文名字,但也算盡力了!)

【相關文章:慢活人生 系列
